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University Initiatives Drive Public Good and Cost Savings

Printing Services Optimization

Annual Savings: $170,000   |  MSU Information Technology   |  May 2024
MSU Information Technology (MSU IT) has re-evaluated the MSU print landscape and reduced low traffic printers, creating an annual cost avoidance of 34%, saving approximately $170,000 per year. We aim to create a future state of financial stability and environmental sustainability for MSU printing services, aligned with MSU’s 2030 Strategic Plan. We set out with a goal to maintain print productivity even with the reduction in devices, and we are now aimed at providing higher service quality with newer and more efficient machines in the highest traffic areas, enhancing the customer experience.

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MSU IT TeamDynamix Implementation

Annual Savings: $408,000 | MSU Information Technology | Spring 2023
Michigan State University Information Technology (MSU IT) implemented TeamDynamix (TDX), a comprehensive support ticket and project management system, in Spring 2023. With a goal to streamline service delivery and integrate management systems across campus, this initiative has achieved an initial cost savings of $408,000 annually. Since its launch, TDX has streamlined MSU IT’s ticket intake process, enhancing the user experience. This sets the stage for future financial stability and sustainability within MSU IT, in line with MSU's 2030 Strategic Plan.

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