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Enterprise Project Management Office

Project management is a process that allows project managers to plan, execute, track and complete projects with the help of a project team. To do so, they must use project management principles, skills, methodologies and tools to lead team members through each of the project management steps which are known as the project lifecycle. 

 A project is defined as a temporary endeavor that has a defined start and finish, scope, and resources undertaken to achieve planned objectives which could be defined in terms of outputs, outcomes, or benefits. 

Prior to submitting your request, ensure the following requirements are met: 

  • Approval from your senior leadership 
  • Funding or funding plan
  • Resources to commit time to the project from your department 

Enterprise Project Request

Requesting project work from the EPMO is initiated by submitting an Enterprise Project Request. The Project Request is used to capture requests related to: 

  • Aligns with University Strategic Goals 
  • Top priority for the University  
  • Business Improvements (process, organization, etc.) 
  • Affects multiple departments 
  • Strategic in nature  
  • Highly complex 
  • Complex technology requirements  
  • RFP management (Request for Proposal) 

Once the Project Request is submitted, the request is routed to the MSU Governance Committee for approval to proceed. You will be kept apprised of each step in the process and requested to participate in a presentation of the request to the Governance Committee as part of the approval process. We encourage you to invite us to a discussion regarding your project needs as early as possible! 

Submit Request