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The initiatives listed below guides much of the work the Office of the Executive Vice President for Administration and are intentionally focused on supporting the MSU Mission and its People. In realizing these initiatives, we further advance MSU’s excellence and impact, recognizing that we can only truly do so if we foster an equitable and safe university for all.


Aligned with the university’s 2030 Strategic Plan, the Office of EVPA is exploring opportunities to be better stewards of university resources; enhance customer service and agility; modernize our systems, processes and policies; and to comport ourselves to the highest standards expected of those who are privileged to expend public funds.


Moving towards Excellence in Execution  
Excellence in execution is our foundation, guiding pursuit of our strategic goals, and how we support the MSU mission and its people. This dedication cultivates a culture of accountability, attention to detail, and continuous improvement. With this ethos, we lead by example, upholding the highest standards for those entrusted with public funds. 

Commitment to Continuous improvement 
It's important that we continuously look for ways to evaluate our progress and modernize our systems and processes. This ensures effective use of institutional resources and maintains the excellence of MSU's education, research, and outreach programs. 

Safety Imperative
The safety of all who work, learn and visit Michigan State University is imperative. To reinforce MSU’s commitment to and practice of operational safety, we are propose to re-establish the Michigan State University Infrastructure Safety & Security Committee.

Revamping Procurement
Aligned with the university’s 2030 Strategic Plan and to enhance customer experiences, the Office of EVPA and University Procurement and Logistics (UPL) are updating the MSU Procurement policy and processes to support a good, transparent customer experience and be better stewards of university resources.



Revamping Procurement Practices at MSU

As good stewards of MSU resources, we must look even further for ways to modernize our systems, processes, and policies. Leveraging the expertise of Steven A. Melnyk, Ph.D., professor of supply chain and operations management at Broad Business College, and David Frayer, assistant dean of outreach and engagement at Broad Business College, we are revamping procurement practices at MSU.

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University’s Name, Gender, Pronoun initiative

MSU has established the Name, Gender, Sexual Identity, and Pronoun Data Policy for collecting, maintaining and appropriately using identity information.

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